
Termin vereinbaren

 Bettina Sohnius-Lüpertz  Tel.: +49 24 61 / 552 13  info@shiatsu-pferde.de


 Bettina Sohnius-Lüpertz  Phone: +49 24 61 / 552 13  info@shiatsu-pferde.de


– energetic bodywork therapy to foster and maintain health

Shiatsu is invigorating, relaxing, leads to well-being and calmness. It relieves stress and it strengthens the immune system and the nervous system. The self-healing powers get activated and therefore it helps maintaining and fostering health.

Shiatsu (jap. 指圧 shi= Finger atsu=Druck) is a body work that got developed in Japan, arisen from old acupressure techniques and Chinese massage. Shiatsu is based on Far Eastern philosophy and life skills, which say that our energy of life, the Ki, defines our being.

During a Shiatsu treatment the Shiatsu practitioner works with deep, continuous, gentle pressure along the meridians (energy lines) with his thumb, palm or elbow. Rotations, stretchings and gentle shaking complete the work.

For horses with the following symptoms Shiatsu may help:

  • blockages of the spine
  • tension in the neck, throat and back
  • lack of flexibility
  • hormonal dysbalance
  • digestive problems
  • pain in the bones
  • lack of fitness and power

Through Shiatsu you get to know your horse better and understand it better. Problems could be identified in time and therefore be solved at the initial stage. Generally speaking horses which get Shiatsu treatments regularly are more content and mentally and physically well-balanced.

If you give Shiatsu, you will also realise beneficial effects for yourself. Your body will become more relaxed and more vivid, so that the flow of the energy is getting better. Behaviour problems, caused by physical discomfort, could also be solved through the specific Shiatsu touch.